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Can Dry Cleaning Make My Clothes Last Longer?

Can Dry Cleaning Make My Clothes Last Longer?

Get the best commercial laundry service in DC
12 Dec

Can Dry Cleaning Make My Clothes Last Longer?

It’s common for individuals to assume that dry cleaning is a high-end service. However, some consider it an essential way to keep their clothing in good condition and prolong its lifetime. They also believe that dry cleaning helps kill germs because clothes are sent through hot air tunnels instead of being soaked in soapy solutions.

If you’re wondering how can you get your clothes to last longer with dry cleaning, this blog is for you. 

Best for Removing Odor and Stubborn Stains 

Clothes become stained over time, no matter how careful you are with them. From eating, drinking, and sweating to general wear and tear, your garments are certain to get stained regardless of how careful you are with them. 

Extended Lifespan for Clothes

By using dry cleaning, you can also extend the life of your clothes by removing unnecessary stains that will cause bad lingering odors or discoloration, especially if your wardrobe is filled with white pieces that can lose their luster over time.

Less Harsh More Power

When you take your clothes to the dry cleaner, they will send them through a machine with powerful hoses and nozzles. This will break down the dirt and grime, and then the dirty water is removed from the machine and replaced with clean heated air. The high-pressure used in dry cleaning helps to sanitize your clothes and remove any odors trapped within them.

Green Dry Cleaning

Dry cleaning professionals have adapted to technological advancements and product innovations. More eco-friendly and chemical-free products are now widely used to provide great results while keeping your health and environment safe. Green dry cleaning is gentle on your clothes and helps them last longer.

 professional dry-cleaning service in DC

The best way to protect your clothes and keep them looking their best for a long time is to have them dry cleaned on a regular basis. This will ensure that your clothes are spotless, stain-free, and fresh. 

Are you looking for a dry-cleaning service that doesn’t cost you an arm and a leg? Imperial Valet Services is an excellent dry-cleaning service in DC that provides free dry cleaning pickup and delivery for our customers’ convenience. Visit our website to explore all our services. You can also contact us to schedule a commercial laundry service pickup today.


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