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Suede Cleaning Made Easy!

Suede Cleaning Made Easy!

Picture showing dry cleaning and alterations dc
12 Dec

Suede Cleaning Made Easy!

Suede shoes are great for looking smart and stylish but are also more vulnerable compared to other materials. They stain easier, quicker, and get damaged by traditional cleaning methods such as water and soap. Having the proper maintenance knowledge is vital otherwise you can end up worsening the problem.

Here are some tips that will make the complicated process of suede-cleaning much easier!

Getting a Suede Brush

An old toothbrush with soft bristles can get the job done but if you’re looking to keep your suede’s in top shape, it’s best to invest in a suede brush that properly cleans the soft grains. Dry cleaning and alterations dc. Make sure to brush only in the fiber’s direction and avoid moving it in a back and forth motion. This will help you get rid of the layer of grime.


Picture showing dry cleaning and alterations dc

Using a Clean Cloth

Your brush will help to remove the excess dirt clumps. Proceed to gently rub your shoes with a dry bath towel as water can end up damaging the suede. Again, don’t use a back and forth motion and wipe in the direction of the grains.

Picture showing dry cleaning services in Washington

Rub with an Eraser

Some marks won’t disappear from brushing and wiping and require stronger methods such as suede erasers. They’re cheap and aid in the removal of oil and grease stains. When using a suede eraser, you’ll need to brush a little bit harder and apply more pressure. If you can’t manage to get your hands on a suede eraser, a pencil eraser can also get the job done.

Removing Oil and Grease Stains

Oil and grease stains are the hardest to remove. If the stains are still fresh, apply a decent amount of cornstarch. Plain rolled oats can be used as an alternative and should be rubbed in a circular motion on the stain using a dry towel. Leave the oatmeal or cornstarch on the stain overnight and brush them off in the morning.

Despite this, some stubborn stains may still remain. Such a problem can be solved with the help of some white vinegar, a toothbrush, and gentle brushing. If the stains still don’t disappear then proceed to apply steam from a pot or kettle onto the stain by holding the shoe above the steam. Be careful not to allow any water droplets to form on the shoe. Dry out the shoe naturally (hair dryers and radiator heat can damage the shoe) and finally brush out the nap.

Picture showing dry cleaning & alterations dc

Suedes move in and out of fashion from year to year which means they’ll always have a place in our wardrobes (and hearts!). Ensuring the right care and maintenance will allow them to remain in their pristine condition and last a good number of years.

Our shoe repair and shine in D.C also includes suede cleaning services that make your suede shoes look brand new! Contact us today!

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