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Clothing Alterations You Didn’t Know Your Tailor Could Do

Clothing Alterations You Didn’t Know Your Tailor Could Do

9 Sep

Clothing Alterations You Didn’t Know Your Tailor Could Do

“No, I can’t do that. Sorry”

The above sentence when spoken by a tailor is enough to break our hearts. How many times have you gone to your tailor with a request and sincere hope that he WOULD fix everything? Too many times!

Imperial Valet and our specialized team of tailors want you to know the clothing alterations that CAN be done!

Altering the Arm

It’s obvious that you would want the sleeves of your dress shirt made slimmer (if they’re too big), however there are numerous other alterations that your tailor can perform on too small sleeves as well. More room can be created if the garment is extra tight near the armhole by loosening the arms a bit. Another alteration is complete removal of sleeves.

Custom-Fit Denim

Vintage jeans are in vogue these days. There’s a higher chance of you finding an amazing pair of jeans in a decidedly less than amazing fit and style. This will dampen the cool factor, don’t you think? Well, not if you have an awesome tailor behind your back!

Each and every aspect of your jeans can be altered very easily, although it should fit well through the wide part of your hips. Additionally, the legs of your pant can be altered or tapered to personal requirements, hems can be lowered or raised, and you can have a much flattering behind due to seat re-shaping.

Removing Pleats

Everyone has at least one favorite pair of jeans that was popular at the same time pleat-fronts were. Or maybe you purchased jeans that featured this style recently but you wish to get rid of it.

Go ahead, ask your tailor about how they can be altered. The professional will go about this in two ways – either take out the ugly pleats completely or reconstruct them.

In addition to the above, your tailor can also:

Shorten Straps

This will enable right fitting of your dress or top, through the torso. The bust darts and underarms will also be carefully aligned by shortening straps.

women-suit-upAdd Top Stitching

This is done when your jeans length is shortened. The top stitching back to the hem gives a really neat and tidy look to the pair of jeans.

Maximize Length of Pants

Your tailor can maximize the length of your jeans or pants very easily. This is done by dropping the hem of the pant leg to the longest available length and stitching the inside with hem tape.

Imperial Valet’s clothes altering service is headed by a supervising tailor who has been featured in both The Washington Post and The Washington Times. We provide a wide range of alterations and highly reliable services. Have a unique altering request? Inquire about our custom projects.

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