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Understanding the Eco-Friendly Organic Dry Cleaning Process

Understanding the Eco-Friendly Organic Dry Cleaning Process

clean shirts on hangers
2 Feb

Understanding the Eco-Friendly Organic Dry Cleaning Process

Dry cleaning frequently requires the use of chemicals that can be harmful to the environment. The awareness around eco-friendliness means that many people would understandably have concerns around whether to opt for dry cleaning or not.

But there are dry cleaning options that keep the environment in mind as well! Let’s go through the eco-friendly organic dry cleaning process.


Wet Cleaning

It may seem strange to think of wet cleaning as a part of dry cleaning, but this isn’t the same as your usual wet cleaning process. The wet cleaning that falls under dry cleaning (yes, it’s still strange) actually involves the use of special washing machines and gentle detergents that don’t contain any chemicals or toxins.

This sort of wet cleaning process doesn’t cause damage to clothes, and is followed with careful drying and pressing so that they look just as good as they would if they went through regular dry cleaning.

Wet cleaning is the most eco-friendly option, since it uses less chemicals, nor any volatile organic compounds that can damage your clothes or your skin. It also uses a lot less water and energy.


Liquid CO2 Cleaning

This method uses pressurized liquid carbon dioxide, which is non-toxic. This process takes regular CO2 – which is a natural gas – with other solvents and runs the clothes through a machine with a chamber where air is removed.

This creates a high pressure environment, and thus turns the CO2 liquid. The clothes are rotated in the chamber the same way they would be in a regular washing machine. This removes dirt, oil and fat stains very effectively.

The remaining liquid CO2 is stored away for use in the next cycle, and any leftover gas is released back into the air. Since new CO2 is not being created, nor are any harmful chemicals involved in the process, liquid CO2 cleaning is very eco-friendly.


clean shirts on hangers


Why Should You Opt for Eco-friendly Dry Cleaning

Seeking eco-friendliness is always a good thing, especially with how complicated our current climate situation is. You should try and lower your carbon footprint as much as you can, and dry cleaning is a very easy place to start.

Eco-friendly dry cleaning also comes with very limited exposure to toxic chemicals such as perc, which is a carcinogen. You don’t have to expose yourself to them, nor do they have to be released into the atmosphere.

On top of that, eco-friendly dry cleaning isn’t any more or less convenient than regular dry cleaning. Beyond the basic hunt for an eco-friendly dry cleaner, you don’t have to do much more than simply give your clothes to the cleaners and then wait to get them back.

Sterling Cleaners can provide you the best dry cleaning service in DC, and make sure your clothes are clean and you remain safe from all those pesky chemicals. Contact us now and let us take care of your clothes for you!

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