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3 Items You Can or Cannot Dry Clean

3 Items You Can or Cannot Dry Clean

4 Apr

3 Items You Can or Cannot Dry Clean

Did you hear about the guy who threw his leather jacket in the wash?

Needless to say, the result was not pretty!

If you can relate to him and are a complete newbie to laundry or perhaps just someone who isn’t sure how to decode fabric care symbols, don’t worry!

We are sharing some FYI’s (for your information) that will hopefully save you from disastrous DIY (Do it yourself projects!).



What Is Dry Cleaning?

Simply put, dry cleaning is used by professional cleaners to cleanse and care for delicate fabrics like leather (Ten points for you if you already knew that, unlike the other guy!)

There is traditional dry cleaning, and then there is eco-friendly dry cleaning which is new and better for you and the environment.



Dry Clean Only:

Here are three fabrics that you absolutely must send to us because they deserve only eco-friendly dry cleaning: leather jackets, cotton shirts, and suede. In fact, we are the go-to expert for suede and leather cleaning. 

When dry cleaning, we use chemical cleaning agents suited for the material in question.



A Big No for Dry Cleaning:

Here are three fabrics that you should carefully wash at home. These include typical fabrics made up of plastic, PVC, or polyurethane and cannot be dry cleaned. If you do, what would happen is that the material in this fabric would deteriorate during the cleaning process.

Then there are fabrics such as cashmere and wool that can’t be dry cleaned. Always be careful when washing fabrics such as cashmere and wool because they tend to shrink.

Silk is a very delicate fabric that requires gentle hand-washing, so if you have a silk dress or even a silk shirt, it can only be hand-washed and doesn’t need to be dropped off at the dry cleaners.


clothes hanging inside a laundry machine


Look At the Tag:

Always look at the tag and read the wash care instructions before tossing it in the laundry basket or dropping it off at the dry cleaners. It is important to also read up on the fabric types and understand different materials, care symbols, and how to spot clean them if needed. Remember, synthetic materials composed of plastic, PVC, and polyurethane cannot be dry cleaned. Now print that on paper and stick it on your door!


If you are still unsure, ask the experts at our eco-friendly dry-cleaning service Imperial Valet Sterling Cleaner dry cleaning services. Our team is available to answer any questions you may have, and we also offer eco-friendly dry cleaning and even wash and fold services-pick-up and delivery.  


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